Yaris GR

Carbon Mittelkonsole Zweiteilig
Carbon Mittelkonsole Universal für viele Fahrzeuge.Bestehend aus 2 Teilen. Ausschnitte müssen selbstständig gemacht werden.Maße sind in den Bildern enthalten sowie Beispielbilder.Produkt wird für sie angefertigt. Keine Rückgabe oder Umtausch.

548,00 €*
Carbon Motorhauben Airduct
Vollcarbon Airduct für die Serienmotorhaube zur Entlüftung LLK und Motorraum. Das ganze passt in fast jedes Auto. Wir haben einige Beispiel Bilder angehangen. Die Motorhaube muss dazu aufgeschnitten werden. Der Airduct wird dann verklebt oder verschraubt.Zur Abnahme muss Zusätzlich ein Gitter eingeklebt werden (nicht im Lieferumfang)Abnahme und Montage kann direkt bei uns oder unseren Partnern erfolgen.Airduct wird unlackiert geliefert. Weitere Anpassungsarbeiten sind möglich im Bereich Ansaugung etc.Der Airduct wird speziell für sie hergestellt, daher ist Umtausch und/ oder Rückgabe ausgeschlossen.Die Lieferzeit beträgt voraussichtlich ca. 7-28 Werktagen.

349,00 €*
Maxton Design
Cup Spoilerlippe Front Ansatz + Flaps V.3 für Toyota GR Yaris Mk4 schwarz matt
Cup Spoilerlippe Front Ansatz V.3 + Flaps Toyota GR Yaris Mk4 passend für: Toyota GR Yaris Mk4 2020 - Lieferumfang: Cup Spoilerlippe Front AnsatzMontage-KitMontageanleitungFlaps(Racing Durability)Befestigungsschrauben für Flaps(Silberne Farbe) Sie müssen Flaps selbst am Splitter montierenMaterial: ABS-KunststoffABE

219,00 €*
Maxton Design
Cup Spoilerlippe Front Ansatz V.1 für Toyota GR Yaris Mk4 schwarz Hochglanz
Cup Spoilerlippe Front Ansatz V.1 für Toyota GR Yaris Mk4 passend für: Toyota GR Yaris Mk4 2020 - Lieferumfang: Cup Spoilerlippe Front AnsatzMontage-KitMontageanleitung Material: ABS-KunststoffABE

199,00 €*
Maxton Design
Cup Spoilerlippe Front Ansatz V.2 +Flaps für Toyota GR Yaris Mk4
Cup Spoilerlippe Front Ansatz V.2 + Flaps Toyota GR Yaris Mk4 passend für: Toyota GR Yaris Mk4 2020 - Lieferumfang: Cup Spoilerlippe Front AnsatzMontage-KitMontageanleitungFlaps(Racing Durability)Befestigungsschrauben für Flaps(Silberne Farbe) Sie müssen Flaps selbst am Splitter montierenMaterial: ABS-KunststoffABE

249,00 €*
Maxton Design
Cup Spoilerlippe Front Ansatz V.3 +Flaps für Toyota GR Yaris Mk4
Cup Spoilerlippe Front Ansatz V.3 + Flaps Toyota GR Yaris Mk4 passend für: Toyota GR Yaris Mk4 2020 - Lieferumfang: Cup Spoilerlippe Front AnsatzMontage-KitMontageanleitungFlaps(Racing Durability)Befestigungsschrauben für Flaps(Silberne Farbe) Sie müssen Flaps selbst am Splitter montierenMaterial: ABS-KunststoffABE

249,00 €*
Maxton Design
Front Flaps für Toyota GR Yaris Mk4
Flaps Toyota GR Yaris Mk4passend für: Toyota GR Yaris Mk4 2020 -  Passt nur mit: TOYA4GR4CNC-FD1. Lieferumfang: Front Flaps für MontagesatzLanglebigeres Material, 10 mm dicke ABS-KunststoffplatteKann mehr Stößen und Kratzschäden standhaltenDas Fehlen von Metallelementen verhindert jegliche Korrosion des TeilsNeues Design mit stilvollem KantenfinishUV-SchutzbeschichtungBeständig gegen Witterungseinflüsse, hält hohen und niedrigen Temperaturen standProdukt wird mit einer Schutzfolie gesichertKein Lackieren nötigProdukte können in den folgenden Optionen hergestellt werden: 10 cm dickes Mattschwarz, 10 mm dickes Mattschwarz mit rotem Kern.Wenn Sie das Teil farbig lackieren möchten, muss vor dem Lackieren eine Grundierung verwendet werden.Die Teile sind mit einem Etikett versehen, das die Echtheit und Qualität des Produkts bestätigtMaterial: ABS-KunststoffTeile Gutachten

59,00 €*
Maxton Design
Heck Ansatz Diffusor für Toyota GR Yaris Mk4 schwarz Hochglanz
Heck Ansatz Diffusor für Toyota GR Yaris Mk4 passend für: Toyota GR Yaris Mk4 2020 -  Lieferumfang: Heck Ansatz Diffusor Unser Produkt wird auf dem Original Heck Ansatz montiert Material: ABS-KunststoffABE

194,00 €*
Maxton Design
Heck Ansatz Flaps Diffusor + Flaps V.2 für Toyota GR Yaris Mk4 Carbon Look
Heck Ansatz Flaps Diffusor V.2 + Flaps für Toyota GR Yaris Mk4passend für:Toyota GR Yaris Mk4 2020 -   Lieferumfang:Heck Ansatz Flaps Diffusor (li.+re.)Flaps(Racing Durability)Befestigungsschrauben für Flaps(Silberne Farbe) Sie müssen Flaps selbst am Splitter montieren Material: ABS-KunststoffABE

134,00 €*
Maxton Design
Heck Ansatz Flaps Diffusor + Flaps V.2 für Toyota GR Yaris Mk4 schwarz matt
Heck Ansatz Flaps Diffusor V.2 + Flaps für Toyota GR Yaris Mk4passend für:Toyota GR Yaris Mk4 2020 -   Lieferumfang:Heck Ansatz Flaps Diffusor (li.+re.)Flaps(Racing Durability)Befestigungsschrauben für Flaps(Silberne Farbe) Sie müssen Flaps selbst am Splitter montieren Material: ABS-KunststoffABE

109,00 €*
Maxton Design
Heck Ansatz Flaps Diffusor +Flaps V.4 für Toyota GR Yaris Mk4
Heck Ansatz Flaps Diffusor + Flaps für V.4 Toyota GR Yaris Mk4passend für:Toyota GR Yaris Mk4 2020 - Passt nur mit: TO-YA-4-GR4-RS1    Lieferumfang:Heck Ansatz Flaps Diffusor (li.+re.)Flaps(Racing Durability)Befestigungsschrauben für Flaps(Silberne Farbe) Sie müssen Flaps selbst am Splitter montieren Material: ABS-KunststoffABE

124,00 €*
Maxton Design
Heck Ansatz Flaps Diffusor V.2 +Flaps für Toyota GR Yaris Mk4
Heck Ansatz Flaps Diffusor V.2 + Flaps für Toyota GR Yaris Mk4passend für:Toyota GR Yaris Mk4 2020 -   Lieferumfang:Heck Ansatz Flaps Diffusor (li.+re.)Flaps(Racing Durability)Befestigungsschrauben für Flaps(Silberne Farbe) Sie müssen Flaps selbst am Splitter montieren Material: ABS-KunststoffABE

124,00 €*
Maxton Design
Heck Spoiler Aufsatz Abrisskante für Toyota GR Yaris Mk4 schwarz Hochglanz
Heck Spoiler Aufsatz Abrisskante für Toyota GR Yaris Mk4  passt: Toyota GR Yaris Mk4  2020 -    Komplettset enthält: Heck Spoiler Aufsatz mit Montagesatz und KantenschutzEntfettungstuch Material: ABS-KunststoffABE

144,00 €*
Maxton Design
Hintere Seiten Flaps für Toyota GR Yaris Mk4 schwarz Hochglanz
Hintere Seiten Flaps für Toyota GR Yaris Mk4 passend für: Toyota GR Yaris Mk4 2020 -  Passt nur mit: TOYA4GR4CNC-RSD1 Lieferumfang: Heck Ansatz DiffusorLanglebigeres Material, 10 mm dicke ABS-KunststoffplatteKann mehr Stößen und Kratzschäden standhaltenDas Fehlen von Metallelementen verhindert jegliche Korrosion des TeilsNeues Design mit stilvollem KantenfinishUV-SchutzbeschichtungBeständig gegen Witterungseinflüsse, hält hohen und niedrigen Temperaturen standProdukt wird mit einer Schutzfolie gesichertKein Lackieren nötigProdukte können in den folgenden Optionen hergestellt werden: 10 cm dickes Mattschwarz, 10 mm dickes Mattschwarz mit rotem Kern.Wenn Sie das Teil farbig lackieren möchten, muss vor dem Lackieren eine Grundierung verwendet werden.Die Teile sind mit einem Etikett versehen, das die Echtheit und Qualität des Produkts bestätigtMaterial: ABS-Kunststoff

59,00 €*
Pipercross Ansaugkit passend für Toyota GR Yaris
Wir stellen vor: Das Induction / Ansaugkit für deinen Hyundai Kona N. Das Kit besteht aus der kompletten Verrohrung, Haltern, einem trockenen Pipercross Performance Luftfilter, einem Hitzeschutz sowie sämtlichen Anbaumaterial, damit dein Auto zum Hingucker wird!Was unser Produkt dir noch bietet:100% ölfreien FilterAuswaschbar und wiederverwendbar30% bis 40% mehr LuftdurchsatzExtreme Veränderung des Ansauggeräuscheszur optimalen Leistungsausbeute sollte das Fahrzeug softwareoptimiert werdenkostengünstige Optimierung der Luftfilterung für dein AutoHohe LebensdauerMehr Drehmoment, Leistung und weniger Verbrauch (anhängig vom Fahrzeug und Fahrstil)bei den meisten Fahrzeugen ist der Einbau extrem einfach und kann selbst durchgeführt werdenWarum Pipercross? - Lies dir weitere Argumente durch, die für Pipercross sprechenWartung / ReinigungEin Pipercross-Filter hat keine Öl verklebte Rückstände und weist nach der schnellen und einfachen Reinigung wieder 100% der Ursprungsleistung auf. Wann und wie reinige ich meinen Pipercross Performance Luftfilter?Zulassung / TÜVDieses Kit wird mit einem Teilegutachten zur Eintragung ausgeliefert.

599,00 €*
Schroth Hosenträgergurte Profi 2FE
Schroth Profi 2 FE Hosenträgergurte.Wahlweise mit Klink oder Schraubbeschlägen, wahlweise in Rot, Blau Schwarz und Silber für Fahrer und Beifahrersitz.Preis gilt pro Sitz.Die Gurte werden nach Kundenwunsch bestellt, somit keine Rückgabe oder Umtausch.

550,00 €*
Maxton Design
Seitenschweller Ansatz Cup Leisten V.2 + Flaps für Toyota GR Yaris Mk4
Seitenschweller Ansatz Cup Leisten V.2 + Flaps Toyota GR Yaris Mk4 passend für:Toyota GR Yaris Mk4 2020 -  Lieferumfang: Seitenschweller Ansatz Cup LeistenFlaps(Racing Durability)Befestigungsschrauben für Flaps(Silberne Farbe) Sie müssen Flaps selbst am Splitter montierenMaterial: ABS-KunststoffABE

249,00 €*
Maxton Design
Stoßstangen Flaps Wings vorne Canards für Toyota GR Yaris Mk4
Stoßstangenflügel vorne (Canards) Toyota GR Yaris Mk4   passend für: Toyota GR Yaris Mk4 2020-Produkt hergestellt in einem 3D-Drucker.Das gekaufte Produkt ist nicht zur Montage geeignet,erfordert weitere Lackbehandlung (Grundierung, Lack). Lieferumfang: Wings Material: ABS-Kunststoff

99,00 €*
Maxton Design
Street Pro Heckschürze Heck Ansatz Diffusor für Toyota GR Yaris Mk4
Street Pro Cup Heckschürze für Toyota GR Yaris Mk4Passend für: Toyota GR Yaris Mk4 2020 - Lieferumfang:  Heck Ansatz Diffusor MontagesatzLanglebigeres Material, 10 mm dicke ABS-KunststoffplatteKann mehr Stößen und Kratzschäden standhaltenDas Fehlen von Metallelementen verhindert jegliche Korrosion des TeilsNeues Design mit stilvollem KantenfinishUV-SchutzbeschichtungBeständig gegen Witterungseinflüsse, hält hohen und niedrigen Temperaturen standProdukt wird mit einer Schutzfolie gesichertKein Lackieren nötigProdukte können in den folgenden Optionen hergestellt werden: 10 cm dickes Mattschwarz, 10 mm dickes Mattschwarz mit rotem Kern.Wenn Sie das Teil farbig lackieren möchten, muss vor dem Lackieren eine Grundierung verwendet werden.Die Teile sind mit einem Etikett versehen, das die Echtheit und Qualität des Produkts bestätigtMaterial: ABS-KunststoffTeile Gutachten

169,00 €*
TCR Carbon Motorhauben Airduct "Sichtcarbon"
Vollcarbon Airduct für die Serienmotorhaube zur Entlüftung LLK und Motorraum. Das ganze passt in fast jedes Auto. Wir haben einige Beispiel Bilder angehangen.Die Motorhaube muss dazu aufgeschnitten werden. Der Airduct wird dann verklebt oder verschraubt.Zur Abnahme muss Zusätzlich ein Gitter eingeklebt werden (im Lieferumfang)Abnahme und Montage kann direkt bei uns oder unseren Partnern erfolgen.Airduct wird in Sichtcarbon geliefert. Weitere Anpassungsarbeiten sind möglich im Bereich Ansaugung etc.Der Airduct wird speziell für sie hergestellt, daher ist Umtausch und/ oder Rückgabe ausgeschlossen.Die Lieferzeit beträgt voraussichtlich ca. 6-16 Wochen.

383,00 €*
Toyota GR Yaris Carbonhaube
Toyota GR Yaris Voll Carbon Motorhaube ohne Luftauslaß, Motorhaube wird Fahrfertig geliefert in Hochglanzlack.Verschluss mittels Serienanbindung, Aerocatch Optional.(Für Aerocatch muss Seitens Kunde eine Schablone geliefert werden) Alle Zubehör Teile wie Aero Catch Halter und Schauben gehören zum Produktumfang.Die Tüv Eintragung erfolgt über uns oder Unsere Partner. (Kosten werden direkt vor Ort fällig.Es werden keine Dokumente zur Tüv Eintragung mitgeliefert. Leichte Anpassungsarbeiten am Fahrzeug sind notwendig (Kotflügel, Stoßstange etc. einstellen. Wie bei jedem Karosseriebauteil) Haubendämpfer müssen je nach Zustand deaktiviert werden. Lieferzeit 6-16 Wochen. Für sie gefertigtes Bauteil, Vom Umtausch ausgeschlossen.

2.234,00 €*
Toyota GR Yaris Carbonhaube mit Luftauslass "TCR" Style
Toyota GR Yaris Voll Carbon Motorhaube mit TCR Luftauslaß, Motorhaube wird Fahrfertig geliefert in Hochglanzlack.Verschluss mittels Serienanbindung, Aerocatch Optional.(Für Aerocatch muss Seitens Kunde eine Schablone geliefert werden) Alle Zubehör Teile wie Aero Catch Halter und Schauben gehören zum Produktumfang.Haubenaufsteller entfällt. Die Tüv Eintragung erfolgt über uns oder Unsere Partner. (Kosten werden direkt vor Ort fällig.Es werden keine Dokumente zur Tüv Eintragung mitgeliefert. Leichte Anpassungsarbeiten am Fahrzeug sind notwendig (Kotflügel, Stoßstange etc. einstellen. Wie bei jedem Karosseriebauteil) Haubendämpfer müssen je nach Zustand deaktiviert werden. Lieferzeit 6-16 Wochen. Für sie gefertigtes Bauteil, Vom Umtausch ausgeschlossen.

Ab 2.330,00 €*
Verkline Aluminium Rear Differential Carrie
Here is our lightweight Aluminium Rear Differential Carrier for Toyota GR Yaris.This mount adds additional rear mounting point for stability and better throttle reaction. Standard rear diff is mounted on 3 mounting points. Our carrier adds fourth mounting point (second one in the rear of the differential).This mount can only be used with our Verkline rear GR subframe WAS-602.Product functionalities:Additional polyurethane bushing mounting point for rear of the rear differential. Standard is one rear mount. This enables mounting rear diff in two points.Significantly reduces diff movement.Gives much better throttle response.Lighter than OEM by 1,5kg.Stiffer and stronger than OEM part.Features:Precisely CNC machined out of aluminium.Black anodised for nice look and corrosion resistance.Compatible ONLY with Verkline rear subframe LINK.What is included:CNC machined aluminium diff mountingAdditional polyurethane mountSet of mounting bolts.Printed install instructions (3 pages).Used in:– Toyota Yaris GR 2020

395,00 €*
Verkline Billet Torque Mount
VERKLINE billet torque mount for the Toyota Yaris GR.The factory torque mount is not optimised for performance use. It allows a lot of movement which sedates the driving experience. The Verkline Billet Dogbone mount is a redesigned billet mount with an improved polyurethane bush which controls the engine movement better which results in less wheel hop, crisper gear changes and more instantaneous throttle response.Product functionalities:Polyurethane double bushing reduces engine movementGives better throttle responseGives much more direct, faster, clean and consistent gear shifts even when the car is pushed hardReduces engine movement and wheel hop on hard accelerationFeatures:Lighter than OEM by 0,2kgPolyurethane double bushing reduces engine movementPrecisely CNC machined out of aluminiumBlack anodised for nice look and corrosion resistanceWhat is included:Aluminium mountSet of two polyurethane bushesMetal sleeve and washersBolt nutUsed in:– Toyota Yaris GR 2020Replaces:– 12363A – gearbox mountNote: Installation of this rear insert kit will introduce some additional some NVH (noise, vibration, and harshness) transfer into the cabin.

299,00 €*
Verkline Front adjustable billet aluminium wishbone
True adjustable aluminium front wishbones for Toyota GR Yaris is finally available !Product functionalities: Camber adjustability ( /- 1,5°).Caster adjustability ( /- 5°).Anti-dive and anti-lift adjustability ( /- 16,5 p.p. of anti-dive).Uses uniballs which eliminates rubber bushings deflection and gives much more direct and predictable response.Stiffer and stronger than OEM – designed to withstand track racing and rally abuse.Gives a lot of room for wide wheels. Products made by competition have no extra room for wider wheels.Features:Precisely CNC machined out of aluminium and high strength steel.Black coating for nice look and corrosion resistance.Fits 15” wheels and smaller brakes.Part comes preassembled ready to install.Compatible both with OEM and Verkline subframes and uprights.Gorgeous looks!What is included:Two aluminium wishbones (left and right for one car).Four high quality M18 PTFE motorsport rod-ends.Four rubber caps for rod-ends.Set of washers for anti-dive and anti-lift adjustability.Two high strength pins.Two high quality PTFE motorsport uniballs.Set of mounting bolts.Printed install instructions (9 pages).Used in:– Toyota Yaris GR 2020Notice : Installation of this rear insert kit will introduce some additional some NVH (noise, vibration, and harshness) transfer into the cabin.

1.495,00 €*
Verkline Front adjustable tie rod ends
Here are our new front adjustable tie rod ends for Toyota GR Yaris.Price is per pair (for one car).Product functionalities:Stiffer and stronger than OEM – designed to withstand all track racing and rally abuse.Gives more toe adjustment range.Uses spherical bearings which give direct and predictable steering response.Features:Precisely CNC machined out of aluminium and high strength steelBlack coating for nice look and corrosion resistanceCompatible both with OEM and Verkline uprightsWhat is included:Two aluminium tie rod ends (left and right)Set of boltsTwo high strength pinsTwo high quality PTFE motorsport uniballsTwo turnbuckles with super slim nutsPrinted install instructions (7 pages)Used in:– Toyota Yaris GR 2020Note: Installation of this rear insert kit will introduce some additional some NVH (noise, vibration, and harshness) transfer into the cabin.

399,00 €*
Verkline Front lightweight adjustable billet aluminium upright
Front lightweight adjustable billet aluminium upright (knuckle, wheel bearing housing)  for Toyota GR Yaris.Product functionalities: Roll center adjustability.Camber gain adjustability.Bump steer adjustability.Ackermann adjustability.Steering ratio adjustability.Steering lock adjustability.Works with increased shock travel.Works with OEM wheel speed sensors.Features:Lighter than OEM by about 11% / 1kg on set.Double shear mount for steering rod for increased stiffness.Fits 15” wheels.Fits smaller brake kit for 15” wheels by Ligur RacingPrecisely CNC machined out of aluminium and high strength steel.Silver and black coating for a nice look and corrosion resistance.Stiffer and stronger than OEM – designed to withstand racing and rally abuse.Works only with Verkline lower wishbone (WAS-611) and steering rod end (WAS-612).What is included:Two anodised (left right) aluminium front uprights (wheel bearing housing / knuckles).Two high strength steel machined lower wishbone mountings.Set of plates for roll center and camber gain adjustment.Four ackermann and steering ratio adjustment plates.Set of bump steer adjustment shims.Set of bushings for steering lock adjustability.Set of install bolts.Printed install instructions – 16 pages.Used in:– Toyota Yaris GR 2020Note: Installation of this rear insert kit will introduce some additional some NVH (noise, vibration, and harshness) transfer into the cabin. This kit works with 15” wheels and smaller brakes. If you are making a small brake kit and would like to make sure it works with our uprights drop us an email and we will send you CAD data for you to check.

2.995,00 €*
Verkline Front lightweight tubular subframe
Here is our front lightweight tubular subframe for Toyota GR Yaris.Product functionalities:Additional (revised) suspension mounting points (wishbones, steering rack, anti-roll bar) for improved suspension kinematics for lowered cars with racing purpose.One mounting subframe position eliminates subframe shifting under the car. No need for subframe locking kit / deadset collar kit (weight savings).Increases chassis rigidity for improved handling performance. No need for additional lower bar/member brace (weight savings).Better access to car underbody.Features:Lighter than factory subframe by 7 kg. OEM is 17,75 kg. Our subframe is 10,75 kg.Made from T45 super strong piping.Compatible with both OEM and Verkline wishbonesWhat is included:Delivered painted (powder coated) black or on special order ( 50 euro) any RAL colorSet of bushings for modifying kinematics (wishbones, steering rack, anti-roll bar)Set of mounting bolts.Custom air ductPrinted install instructions (8 pages).Used in:– Toyota Yaris GR 2020Notice: If you want to use modified suspension mounting points that are available on our subframe, you need to also use Verkline front lower wishbones – WAS-611 OEM wishbones won’t work there. For standard OEM pickup points on our subframe it is possible to use OEM wishbones.Notice2: Installation of this rear insert kit will introduce some additional some NVH (noise, vibration, and harshness) transfer into the cabin.

1.695,00 €*
Verkline Full Suspension Kit
BUNDLE INCLUDES:Front lightweight adjustable billet aluminium upright - Toyota GR Yaris€2.995,00 Original price was: €2.995,00.€2.620,63Current price is: €2.620,63.Available on backorderRear lightweight billet aluminium upright - Toyota GR Yaris€2.495,00 Original price was: €2.495,00.€2.183,13Current price is: €2.183,13.In stockFront lightweight tubular subframe - Toyota GR Yaris€1.695,00 Original price was: €1.695,00.€1.483,13Current price is: €1.483,13.Available on backorderRear lightweight tubular subframe - Toyota GR Yaris€1.695,00 Original price was: €1.695,00.€1.483,13Current price is: €1.483,13.Available on backorderAluminium Rear Differential Carrier - Toyota GR Yaris€395,00 Original price was: €395,00.€345,63Current price is: €345,63.In stockFront adjustable billet aluminium wishbone - Toyota GR Yaris€1.495,00 Original price was: €1.495,00.€1.308,13Current price is: €1.308,13.In stockFront adjustable tie rod ends - Toyota GR Yaris€399,00 Original price was: €399,00.€349,13Current price is: €349,13.In stockRear adjustable upper arms - Toyota GR Yaris€499,00 Original price was: €499,00.€436,63Current price is: €436,63.In stockRear adjustable lower short arm – Toyota GR Yaris€399,00 Original price was: €399,00.€349,13Current price is: €349,13.In stockRear lower long arm insert – Toyota GR Yaris€199,00 Original price was: €199,00.€174,13Current price is: €174,13.In stockRear adjustable trailing arm - Toyota GR Yaris€1.495,00 Original price was: €1.495,00.€1.308,13Current price is: €1.308,13.In stockDescription More InformationThis full suspension bundle is 12,5% off compared to standard price if items bought separately. Scroll down for more pictures.Full kit consists of (click bellow on the name of the item to view detail product description):– Front lightweight adjustable billet aluminium upright– Rear lightweight billet aluminium upright– Front lightweight tubular subframe– Rear lightweight tubular subframe– Aluminium rear differential carrier– Front adjustable billet aluminium wishbone– Front adjustable tie rod ends– Rear adjustable upper arm– Rear adjustable lower short arm– Rear lower long arm insert– Rear adjustable trailing arm with rear sway bar adjustable end linksMain benefits:Added strength and stiffness to withstand all rally and racing abuse.Every part is carefully tested with FEM (Finite Element Method) for 7 different motorsport grade load cases which takes into account usage of aerodynamic package, slick tires, hitting curbs and doing jumps.Added adjustability to modify suspension geometry and kinematics for handling improvement in motorsport usage (please the pictures in the attachment). There is a possibility to tune the car both for tarmac and gravel racing. Full kit includes 64 pages of install and setup instructions. It includes suggested preliminary setups for every adjustment for different purposes.Full uniball solution to eliminate rubber bushings deflection and give much more direct and predictable response.More room for small 15″ and/or wider wheels.The full kit reduces the weight of the car by 17 kg.Better access to the car underbody.More details on individual product pages.Kit does not include Billet Torque Mount for gearbox. You need to order separately here. Used in:– Toyota Yaris GR 2020+Note: Installation of this rear insert kit will introduce some additional some NVH (noise, vibration, and harshness) transfer into the cabin.

12.040,93 €* 13.761,00 €* (12.5% gespart)
Verkline Full Wishbone Kit
BUNDLE INCLUDES:Front adjustable billet aluminium wishbone - Toyota GR Yaris€1.495,00 Original price was: €1.495,00.€1.345,50Current price is: €1.345,50.In stockFront adjustable tie rod ends - Toyota GR Yaris€399,00 Original price was: €399,00.€359,10Current price is: €359,10.In stockRear adjustable upper arms - Toyota GR Yaris€499,00 Original price was: €499,00.€449,10Current price is: €449,10.In stockRear adjustable lower short arm – Toyota GR Yaris€399,00 Original price was: €399,00.€359,10Current price is: €359,10.In stockRear lower long arm insert – Toyota GR Yaris€199,00 Original price was: €199,00.€179,10Current price is: €179,10.In stockRear adjustable trailing arm - Toyota GR Yaris€1.495,00 Original price was: €1.495,00.€1.345,50Current price is: €1.345,50.In stockDescription More InformationThis full wishbone bundle is 10% off compared to standard price if items bought separately. Please scroll down for more pictures.Wishbone kit consists of (you can click bellow on the name of the item to view detail product description):– Front adjustable billet aluminium wishbone– Front adjustable tie rod ends– Rear adjustable upper arm– Rear adjustable lower short arm– Rear lower long arm insert– Rear adjustable trailing arm– Rear sway bar adjustable end linksThis kit comes with detailed install instructions – 46 pages.Kit does not include Billet Torque Mount for gearbox. You have to order is superaty here.Used in:– Toyota Yaris GR 2020+Note: Installation of this rear insert kit will introduce some additional some NVH (noise, vibration, and harshness) transfer into the cabin.

4.037,40 €* 4.486,00 €* (10% gespart)
Verkline Rear adjustable lower short arm
Here are our new rear adjustable lower short arms for Toyota GR Yaris.Price is per pair (for one car).Product functionalities:Toe adjustability.Stiffer and stronger than OEM part – designed to withstand track racing and rally abuseUses uniballs which eliminates rubber bushings deflection and gives much more direct and predictable response.Features:Lockout kit for subframe mounting point of long arm with spring to prevent movement and losing alignmentT45 metal lightweight piping painted blackWelded with high strength steelBlack coating for nice look and corrosion resistancePart comes preassembled ready to install.Compatible both with OEM and Verkline subframes and uprightsWhat is included:Two M16x1.5 high quality PTFE motorsport uniballsFour spacers for long arm on the subframe sideTwo complete armsTwo rod end rubber capsPrinted install instructions (8 pages)Used in:– Toyota Yaris GR 2020Note: Installation of this rear insert kit will introduce some additional some NVH (noise, vibration, and harshness) transfer into the cabin.

399,00 €*
Verkline Rear adjustable trailing arm
Here are our revolutionary rear adjustable trailing arms for Toyota GR Yaris.OEM wishbone bends during normal operation and this increases when the car is lowered or camber/toe is increased. Our CNC billet wishbone has spherical bearings to avoid that and it is also big increase of stiffness results in better handling in corner exit and under acceleration.Price is per pair (set for one car).Our wishbones also help to eliminate unwanted dive and squat on the car. Here is helpful video about ani-squat -> Anti-Squat Suspension Geometry – ExplainedProduct functionalities:Anti-squat adjustability.Anti-dive adjustability.Lighter than factory OEM part.Stiffer and stronger than OEM part – designed to withstand track racing and rally abuse.Uses spherical bearings which eliminates rubber bushings deflection and gives much more direct and predictable response.Features:3 position anti-squat and anti-lift adjustability (0, 20, 40).Precisely CNC machined out of aluminium.Welded with high strength steelPart comes preassembled ready to install.Black coating for nice look and corrosion resistance.Compatible both with OEM and Verkline uprights. Plug and play kit.Parking brake line brackets are included.Set includes special adjustable rear anti-roll bar links (ELA-052)What is included:Two complete arms with high quality PTFE motorsport spherical bearingsTwo top hats, that sit in the car bodyTwo adjustable rear anti-roll bar (sway bar) linksSet of install boltsPrinted install instructions (8 pages)Used in:– Toyota Yaris GR 2020Note: Installation of this rear insert kit will introduce some additional some NVH (noise, vibration, and harshness) transfer into the cabin.

1.495,00 €*
Verkline Rear adjustable upper arms
Here are lightweight rear adjustable upper arms for Toyota GR Yaris.Price is per pair (for one car).Product functionalities:Camber adjustability extended with turnbuckle screwMuch lighter, also from metal wishbones made by other companies.Uses uniballs which eliminates rubber bushings deflection and gives much more direct and predictable response.Stiffer and stronger than OEM part – designed to withstand track racing and rally abuse.Extra room for thicker shocks.Supports longer shock travel.Features:Precisely CNC machined out of aluminium.Welded with high strength steel.Black coating for nice look and corrosion resistance.Part comes preassembled ready to install.Compatible both with OEM and Verkline subframes and uprights.What is included:Two aluminium wishbonesTwo turnbuckles with super slim nutsTwo M18 rod endsTwo rubber caps for rod endsTwo PTFE motorsport uniballsPrinted install instructions (7 pages)Used in:– Toyota Yaris GR 2020Note: Installation of this rear insert kit will introduce some additional some NVH (noise, vibration, and harshness) transfer into the cabin.

499,00 €*
Verkline Rear lightweight billet aluminium upright
Rear lightweight adjustable billet aluminium upright (knuckle, wheel bearing housing) for Toyota GR Yaris.Product functionalities: Improved OEM kinematics for track racing and rally use.Uses spherical bearings which eliminates rubber bushings deflection and gives much more direct and predictable response.Works with increased shock travel.Works with OEM wheel speed sensors.Fits 15” wheels.Features:Lighter than OEM by 26% / 3,5kg on set.Fits 15” wheels.Precisely CNC machined out of aluminum.Silver and black coating for nice look and corrosion resistance.Stiffer and stronger than OEM – designed to withstand track racing and rally abuse.Compatible both with OEM and Verkline wishbones.What is included:Two (left right) anodised aluminium rear uprights (wheel bearing housing / knuckles).Two high strength steel pins for shock mounting.High quality maintenance free motorsport spherical bearings pressed in to uprights.Set of aluminum bushings for arms mountings.Four polyurethane sleeves for stabilizing the upper arm swing.Set of install bolts.Printed install instructions – 8 pages.Used in:– Toyota Yaris GR 2020Note: Installation of this rear insert kit will introduce some additional some NVH (noise, vibration, and harshness) transfer into the cabin.

2.495,00 €*
Verkline Rear lightweight tubular subframe
Here is our rear lightweight tubular subframe for Toyota GR Yaris.Product functionalities:Additional (revised) suspension mounting points for improved suspension kinematics for lowered cars with racing or track purposeBump steer adjustabilityOne mounting subframe position eliminates subframe shifting under the car. No need for subframe locking kit / deadset collar kit (weight savings)Increases chassis rigidity for improved handling performance. No need for additional lower bar/member brace (weight savings)Better access to car underbodyFeatures:Lighter than OEM by 6 kg.Compatible with both OEM and Verkline wishbonesMade from T45 super strong piping.Delivered painted (powder coated) black or on special order ( 50 euro) any RAL colorWhat is included:One rear subframe powder coated black with lower braceSet of adjustment shims for kinematics adjustmentOne black polyurethane mount for the rear differentialSet of mounting boltsAdjustment WrenchPrinted install instructions (9 pages).Used in:– Toyota Yaris GR 2020Notice: If you want to use modified suspension mounting points that are available on our subframe, you need to use also Verkline wishbones – WAS-621 and WAS-622 OEM wishbones won’t work there. For standard OEM pickup on our subframe it is possible to use OEM wishbones.Notice 2: Not all aftermarket exhaust systems will fit with our subframe. There might be some rework on aftermarket exhaust necessary.Notice 3: Installation of this rear insert kit will introduce some additional some NVH (noise, vibration, and harshness) transfer into the cabin.

1.695,00 €*
Verkline Rear lower long arm insert
Here our rear lower long arm insert for Toyota GR Yaris. Eliminates rubber bushing that flexes for uniball insert.Product functionalities:Uses spherical bearings which eliminates rubber bushings deflection and gives much more direct and predictable responseFeatures:Precisely CNC machined two step aluminium bushingsPart comes preassembled ready to install.Silver/black coating for nice look and corrosion resistanceCompatible with OEM long arm with spring.What is included:Two high quality PTFE motorsport uniballs (left right – for one car)Four bushesTwo aluminium bushesInstall tool for pressing in bush in to wishbonePrinted install instructions (7 pages).Used in:– Toyota Yaris GR 2020Note: Installation of this rear insert kit will introduce some additional some NVH (noise, vibration, and harshness) transfer into the cabin.

199,00 €*
Verkline Subframe and Wishbones Suspension Kit
BUNDLE INCLUDES:Front lightweight tubular subframe - Toyota GR Yaris€1.695,00 Original price was: €1.695,00.€1.523,13Current price is: €1.523,13.Available on backorderRear lightweight tubular subframe - Toyota GR Yaris€1.695,00 Original price was: €1.695,00.€1.523,30Current price is: €1.523,30.Available on backorderAluminium Rear Differential Carrier - Toyota GR Yaris€395,00 Original price was: €395,00.€354,99Current price is: €354,99.In stockFront adjustable billet aluminium wishbone - Toyota GR Yaris€1.495,00 Original price was: €1.495,00.€1.343,56Current price is: €1.343,56.In stockFront adjustable tie rod ends - Toyota GR Yaris€399,00 Original price was: €399,00.€358,58Current price is: €358,58.In stockRear adjustable upper arms - Toyota GR Yaris€499,00 Original price was: €499,00.€448,45Current price is: €448,45.In stockRear adjustable lower short arm – Toyota GR Yaris€399,00 Original price was: €399,00.€358,58Current price is: €358,58.In stockRear lower long arm insert – Toyota GR Yaris€199,00 Original price was: €199,00.€178,84Current price is: €178,84.In stockRear adjustable trailing arm - Toyota GR Yaris€1.495,00 Original price was: €1.495,00.€1.343,56Current price is: €1.343,56.In stockDescription More InformationThis full suspension bundle is 10% off compared to standard price if items bought separately. Scroll down for more pictures.Full kit consists of (click bellow on the name of the item to view detail product description):– Front lightweight tubular subframe– Rear lightweight tubular subframe– Aluminium rear differential carrier– Front adjustable billet aluminium wishbone– Front adjustable tie rod ends– Rear adjustable upper arm– Rear adjustable lower short arm– Rear lower long arm insert– Rear adjustable trailing arm with rear sway bar adjustable end linksFull kit reduces weight of the car by 15 kg. The kit does not include front and rear uprights. Full kit is available here.Kit does not include Billet Torque Mount for gearbox. You need to order separately here. Used in:– Toyota Yaris GR 2020+Note: Installation of this rear insert kit will introduce some additional some NVH (noise, vibration, and harshness) transfer into the cabin.

7.432,99 €* 8.271,00 €* (10.13% gespart)